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22 October 2003



Condolences to all the family from two in Louisiana who admired and loved Papa Bear.

Melanie Hallsten

We will miss you Papa Bear. You were one of a kind. Melanie and JD

Karl Zimpel

I met Papabear in 1962 when I was a student at Colorado School of Trades. In those days, Papabear was known "Bob" and was married to Barbra. I became very close to them and was proud to be able to call them my friends. They were really my second set of parents, we hung out together, went hunting, hiking, picnicking in the mountains. I learned a lot about life and being myself from Papabear. I will miss him a great deal but will be forever thankful for having known him and being able to call him my friend for all these years. Papabear --- You will be missed greatly. You left your mark on this world and it was good, Thank you.
Your friend,
Karl Zimpel

Michael Tomlinson

When I was 16 I went to a class held at the Longmont National Guard Armoury....I was soon to be awed and inspired in wilderness survival...I packed a kit and did a report on it in my Junior high class. I graduated and also joined the Marines. Years later I again crossed paths with Pappa Bear at a weekend class held at Lockheed Martin and talked several work mates into attending. Over the years I had studied primitive survival and had brought several items to show him including a sinew backed bow and arrow, Atlatl and dart, and several knapped blades. As a thank you I handed him an obsidian blade I had made for him and he sat there brethless.....I thanked him for inspiring me to study and attain a level of proficiency that I am confident enough in my primitive skills to not only survive, but thrive in the wilderness. He told me I couldnt have given that blade to anyone else who could appreciate it more. Even though I have proficient skills in primitive survival, I still carry a survival kit containing several items he gave me whenever I leave the pavement.
I cant say we were close, or that we shared much time together, but he made such an imprint in my life...that to learn of his death brings a tear to my eye. I will spend the rest of my life teaching the skills I have learned in his memory.

Thank you Pappa Bear!

You will be deeply missed.

Michael Tomlinson


Papa Bear was a wonderful man. A man of compassion, humanity. He was a great teacher. I am sure he is missed by many, including myself. I could tell the first time I looked into his eyes that he was not a ordinary person. There was greatness behind those eyes.

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